Matt Jones Memorial Scholarship
Matt Jones made a difference throughout his career in the Forest Grove School District. He began teaching in 1999 as a social studies teacher at Neil Armstrong Middle School. In 2007 he moved on to Joseph Gale Elementary as a third and fourth grade teacher and finally in the fall of 2021 to Tom McCall upper Elementary teaching sixth grade where he worked at the time of his passing.
Matt was loved by his students. He was silly, fun, musical and mischievous. His sense of humor was known to everyone, including his terrible joke of the day. He played his guitar in class and brought in beautiful literature and art projects. He was a favorite participant at school assemblies. Students going through a tough time knew Mr. Jones was in their corner.
Matt became known at the schools he worked with as one who would take on any student. He always rooted for the underdog. He believed in his students and saw them for their assets. When a student had challenges, he looked for what was underneath those challenges and did his best to meet those needs first. He made staff meetings more fun, asking “How we doing?” upon entering. He was always happy to help a colleague.
As Matt Jones impacted so many in his career in the Forest Grove School District, his family has decided to honor his legacy by establishing the perpetual Matt Jones Memorial Scholarship. Our goal is to raise enough money to grant this scholarship to a Forest Grove High School senior every year.
Matt had fun storming the castle of life and he strived to teach others to do the same.
Please indicate Matt Jones Scholarship in the memo line.

Shannon Brown Memorial Educator Grant
Shannon Brown began teaching in Forest Grove in 1983, first at Echo Shaw then Dilley Elementary until she retired in 2011. Early on she showed her excitement for empowering students to learn but also was very influential in helping educators by doing many teacher training events throughout the district.
She was a giving individual in countless ways. She was instrumental in establishing the backpack program where students in need could pick up bags each weekend to bring home nutritious food when school was closed. When students needed warm coats, she organized donations and delivered! To help make math homework fun, Shannon even put together games for teachers to send home with students - all on her own time and usually with her own money. The list goes on.
After retiring, she substituted and volunteered her many talents for after-school clubs which included: knitting, writing, reading and gardening. She also joined the board of The Education Foundation of Forest Grove. Her absolute love in this capacity was to award grants to teachers! Her focus was always to reach as many students as possible.
As Shannon touched many of us during her life, her family and the Foundation board members have decided to honor her legacy by establishing the perpetual Shannon Brown Memorial Educator Grant. Our goal is to raise enough money to grant this award to an innovative teacher every year in perpetuity.
Click to DONATE NOW.
Please indicate Shannon Brown Grant in the memo line.